IIT Madras to Admit Olympiad Top Performers, Waives JEE Score Requirement
Following the introduction of cultural and sports quotas last year, the Indian Institute of Technology Madras announced today the introduction of a special admission scheme for undergraduates based on their excellence in national and international Olympiads. It is an examination in which students are evaluated and tested in various academic subjects and skills through other means.
On the other hand, the admission through the proposed ScOpE for IIT-Madras will not be under the frame of JEE(Advanced) activities, for which the admissions will apply from 2025-2026 onward.
Like admission through the Sports Excellence admissions, Fine Arts and Culture Excellence admissions, ScOpE will allow reserved seats of two supernumeraries under each program; of those, one seat shall be completely for women candidates. The rest of the eligibility criteria, namely Class 12 completion and age among them, are the same as those for JEE(Advanced) for a particular year. In addition, the candidate should not have been admitted into any IIT during the previous years.
Outlining the vision for ScOpE admissions, Prof V Kamakoti, director, IIT Madras, said, “The world’s grandest puzzles aren’t solved by memorizing textbooks, but by those who dare to dismantle them, piece by piece, and create new wonders for the future generations. With this vision, IIT Madras embarks on yet another new journey by offering admission to her much coveted undergraduate programs for candidates with demonstrated excellence in science Olympiads. ”