
UGC to Offer Open and Distance Learning Programs

The University Grants Commission...

Careers in the Music Industry: Unveiling the Potential

The music industry is a dynamic and...

IIT Madras Unveils New School of Sustainability

On October 7, the Indian Institute of...

NMC Rolls Back Passing Cut-off Criteria

The National Medical Commission (NMC)...

Peptide Research in Optics and Vision

Professor Vladimir Khavinson, a recognized expert in peptide development, has devoted much of his career to understanding how peptides might be utilized to potentially counteract certain age-related physiological decline.

IP University Offers "One-time Chance" for Degree Completion

As part of its silver jubilee celebrations, the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University has decided to offer a "one-time chance" to students who have been unable to complete their degrees over the past 25 years, according to the university's vi...

Why Architecture Programs are Embracing Design Thinking Approaches

The terms "innovation" and "design thinking" have perhaps been used the most frequently in the past decade, both online and offline.

Research Fellowship Stipend Amount Increased by Education Ministry

Stipends for Junior Research Fellowships (JRF), Senior Research...

Honoring a Dignified Profession: World Teacher's Day

Every year on October 5, the world celebrates World Teachers' Day...

Education Ministry Releases Guidelines for Student Wellness

On Oct 3, the Education Ministry issued draught guidelines designed...

NEP 2020 to be Executed in "Demo Schools" to Demonstrate Implementation

According to a government press release, the state government has...

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