Uttarakhand Budget Focused on Education and Women's Welfare
The Uttarakhand Government has...
Honoring India's First Physics Nobel Prize Recipient: National...
Let's embark on a celebration of...
Maharashtra Education Sector Receives 9.8% Increment
The education sector's allocation in...
Evaluating the Value of a Master of Education in Australia: A...
Pursuing a Master of Education in...
Maharashtra Concludes Teachers Recruitment with 11,000 Employed
The first phase of Maharashtra's teacher recruitment process, which was held for the first time in 20 years, concluded on Sunday, with nearly 11,000 new teachers added to schools across the state. The recruitment process is completely transparent,...
Vishwapreneur: Students most waited and Punes biggest E-Summit
Are you ready to embark on a journey of innovation and inspiration? Look no further than Vishwapreneur - the most talked-about event among college students nationwide!
A Quick Review of India's 5 Top Partners in Higher Education
India's higher education landscape has witnessed an explosive transformation. With a large percentage of its population being youthful and ambitious, India is in a position to meet its ever-growing demand for skilled professionals.
Tata Institute to Launch its First Dual Degree Program
Sciences Po has chosen its longstanding academic partner, Tata...
IIT Guwahati and Edurade Commence Drone Pilot Training Program
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IIT Guwahati) and EduRade...
Ministry of Education Mandates Age 6 as Admission Criteria for Class One
The Centre has issued a notice to all states and Union Territories...
How Malaysia is Implementing AI in its Higher Education
In the era of technological advancements taking place at a...