IGNOU Announces Online UG and PG Programme for Foreign Students
The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) will offer an online programme for its overseas learners and the courses on offer include master’s, bachelor’s, diploma and certificate programmes.
The programmes are master of arts (Hindi), Master of Arts in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MAGPS)/MGPS), master of arts (translation studies), bachelor of tourism, bachelor of library and information sciences, post graduate diploma in Gandhi and peace studies, post graduate certificate in Gandhi and peace studies, post graduate certificate in agriculture policy, diploma in tourism studies, certificate in information technology, certificate programme in library and information science, certificate programme in peace studies and conflict management, certificate in tribal studies, certificate in Arabic Language, certificate in the Russian Language and certificate in tourism studies.
The learner is also provided 24×7 online support during the learning process
According to IGNOU, “The online mode uses a four-quadrant approach where a teacher is able to mentor each learner and includes videos and associated reading material per credit making it rich and easy to comprehend. The learner is also provided 24×7 online support during the learning process.”