How to Use SWOT Analysis to Plan your Career
SWOT helps to analyze and examine one’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a person and it helps to plan your career path and to examine one’s current situation, and as well as to improve and mold yourself. Individual career goals or evaluating the future of the company is the main goal of SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis includes internal factors- Strength and Weakness and external factors- Opportunity and Threats. Analyzing this will also help evaluate the effective performance of an individual. To overcome a challenge or to visualize the qualities a person contains and has will be upon their understanding level and the effort they put forward to let the change happen. As an individual evaluating personal growth and having the potential within themselves to become what you can and wish is an important thing to have. SWOT-analysis helps to get through this with the personal development to become the best version of self. Below mentioned points help to know more about the advantages of SWOT analysis:
1.Understanding the Strengths-
Strengths are the traits that make a person different and sets them apart from others. Listing and understanding the strengths like the advantages that you have, what makes you unique, achievements that you and others are proud of, connections that you will make to know self-better. And, if a person is wishing to apply for a job or take a clear career path, listing these strengths will be an extra benefit.
2.Awareness and Improving from Weakness-
Weakness in the area to mold and improves in a person will also make you set back in the career path. This will help to create an effective analysis and the areas which are to be improved. Getting to about the array of weakness includes lack of confidence, traits that hold back, fear, the negative life or work habits like short temper, disorganized, stress. Also letting someone who is closest to let self-know about the weakness from their perspective will also help to improve and mold out a person and make them understand about their weakness. Being open really is a way to understand and know more about a personal attribute.
3.Resources of Opportunities-
Opportunities help to identify the resources, trends, jobs, things, and much more which will help to get to know more and opens you to new things. This should also be considered from personal and in the view of others' perspectives to know and connect more. Industrial or market growth, a network of connections with people who can mentor, influence, inspire or help, taking advantage of the new trends in the workplace, creating a new role, or expanding according to the growth will be some of the opportunities which are opened in your way
4.Understanding the Threats-
Factors like Competitions, barriers, economic, financial, or personal relationship, changes, timing includes in threats. Evaluating and identifying areas where things can be changed or can take up optimistically will help in the development and face threats by understanding it. By knowing the area of threats or which causes the threat in the life or career will be an advantage to give proper attention and to plan to avoid the areas which will affect the growth of self.
Effort and time given to analyze SWOT are to analyze and know better about self and where to bring out effort and to spend time to mold. Writing about all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats that a person is having or facing will enable a self-reflection of what to have, change, acquire, and what not to. SWOT analysis will surely help to make a better you for yourself and to the workplace. To get the best outcome, one needs to take effort and spend time towards it and it is the same as in SWOT analysis which will benefit you in the personal and professional journey.