Partnership: The Secrets of a Good Relationship
Are you in steady hands and are you looking forward to a partnership full of love and solidarity? Then you should be happy about it, because a working relationship has many advantages and can even help your career. Before this is misunderstood, it should be said that singles can of course also be successful and that there are even some reasons for planning a career on their own. However, one fundamental aspect of the partnership cannot be balanced: you do not have to face challenges and problems alone, but always have someone by your side whom you can rely on. How the partnership can affect your job and career and which factors are particularly important in order to be there for your partner ...
Partnership: Together you are less alone
Anyone who is in a partnership or remembers a past relationship knows very well: There are ups and downs. Arguing is part of it and can hardly be avoided in the long term. Nevertheless, the advantages usually outweigh the advantages of facing the challenges of everyday life, career and life together.
Nobody doubts that this is also possible on your own - and if you are living a happy single existence, you don't have to jump into a partnership right away. But there are quite a few arguments and points that speak in favor of a partnership.If you have some psychological concerns related to divorce uncontested, worrying about it before a relationship makes no sense; don’t worry about this part of the life.
Mutual support is particularly important. It feels incredibly good to know that someone has your back, whom you can rely on and whom you can trust 100 percent even in difficult situations. A stable partnership often also gives rise to great self-confidence. This is also noticeable in other areas, for example, you can confidently appear in meetings or lectures.
Finally, a lot of stress can be relieved in a partnership – but please without yelling at each other and taking out the frustration of working on the other. Rather, the partner can help to put the anger in perspective. Maybe it's not as bad as you first noticed. If that doesn't help, you can still gossip about your colleagues or the boss together, which can help against the stress at work.
Partnership and job: There are also problems and dangers lurking
Partnership and career - that is not always peace, joy, pancakes. It is viewed as critical, for example, if both are employed at the same workplace. The lack of distance between each other and sitting around the clock can lead to arguments. It is good for most partnerships if the jobs are separate from one another and each offer freedom.
Joint work also harbors great potential for conflict when it comes to professional disputes. Here it becomes difficult to separate the two areas, which means that professional conflicts or differences of opinion are usually carried over into private life.
Partnerships can also suffer from the job, even if both have different employers. Trouble can always arise when the partner falls short because of the job. Overtime and a lot to do - everyone knows it; it can happen to everyone. However, if the partner feels neglected, a dispute threatens.
Partner help: Those who trust in them will achieve less
Together we are strong. Shared pain is half of the pain. You know these folk tunes. But they may not be right at all: If you rely on the mental support of your partner to achieve a goal, you will achieve it more slowly. Psychologists call the phenomenon self-regulatory outsourcing, which the two US scientists had confirmed.The effect is easy to explain: As soon as we rely on the help of our partner, we secretly transfer some of the responsibility to them and automatically try less.
Two experiments preceded the discovery. In the first, 56 test subjects were supposed to try to achieve their sporting goals.
- The first group should plan exactly how much they wanted to train for it.
- The second group also introduced himself as her partner in career support.
Result: The second group was not only less fit afterwards; the women also undertook fewer training units.In the second experiment, 74 students - this time both men and women - were asked to solve a puzzle before preparing for an important university exam. Lo and behold: Those who relied on their partner to help them with the puzzle would dawdle longer and then promptly had less time to prepare for the exam.Admittedly, it is good and important for the relationship to help each other or at least to signal mental support. But this can slow down the success of the individual.
In a partnership, you should support each other, be there for each other and give the other the feeling that you are at their side in every project and work together towards goals. This does not have to be completely blind, criticism or a reference to problems or misconceptions are part of a partnership. In the decisive and important moments and situations, however, there should be no doubt about the support.
Lies are not only short legs, they are also poison for any partnership. When honesty between partners is lost, trust follows shortly thereafter. Honesty also includes openly addressing weaknesses and mistakes and thus giving the other the opportunity for improvement and personal growth.
Willingness to compromise
Those who are not willing to compromise in a partnership will soon no longer have to be - because the relationship ends. In order to maintain a partnership in the long term, both have to show willingness to compromise in a wide variety of situations and occasionally be prepared to make one or the other sacrifice.
Nobody can hide from reality, but the partnership should be a retreat that offers security and distraction. If you are currently under great stress and pressure, for example, you can find a balance with your partner, clear your mind and recharge your batteries. The partnership offers the much-needed contrast to other areas of life.
With all the many positive factors of togetherness in a partnership, individuality should not be neglected. Everyone still needs time for themselves, independent hobbies and interests. Otherwise there is a risk of losing yourself completely in the partnership. When both of them do something for themselves, the activity together is even nicer.