A Detailed Review Of The Kubbie Kush Cannabis Strain
The unique make-up of its leaves; the thickness of its stem; density of its flower; its limited node spacing; and the dark hues of Kubbi Kush makes this strain stand out in any cannabis garden. Noteworthy, are its oversized bud structures and hues which range from green to purple.
Kubbie Kush Heritage
Its birthplace is unknown but is likely to be a semi-arid mountain region of the old world.
The Story of Kubbie Kush
Katsu Bubba (aka Organkid) was the first to bring Kubbie Kush to the masses at the start of the new millennium at CW. Then, it was being touted quite brashly along with several of his other strains; and a load of his considerable cash stash. The story goes that he sold a cut of his new plant to GCM who then sold it on to Katsu. Hence, the Katsu cut, also known as, Orgnkid's Green Phenotype. If you’re getting this so far, you’re probably on your second joint; if you’re not, start your second joint! OK, back to the ‘story’. When Orgnkid got his first Bubba (or Kubbie) from around 2000 to 2001, he shortly after obtained his first OG. From the first batch was spawned S1- ECK06's s1 phenotype. This was cut and moved on to the owner of a club, but they soon got the frighteners from the people who had supplied them. Right, enough of the fairy tales and translations of ancient Cannabis folklore. IF the history of this weed is that important to you, there are plenty of tales about it online, so crack on!
Back to reality...
It is a strain with over 1000 tales behind it. While not as cannabis folklore-intensive as an OG Kush, it tends to spark heated conversations across the cannabis community. While we've had the chance to talk with "Bubba/Matt" and they tell a tale from their connections in Florida that links to the Bubba to OG heritage, we've now believed that the actual genetics behind the strain is unknown.
Kubbie Kush Appearance
Thick flower. Ranging from dark black and purple to green but this depends on the "cut". Looks range from golf balls to swollen hearts in shape.
It's a unique scent that you will never forget. It borders on a sort of acrid type ammonia smell, although it always gives off a deep, earthy note. There are hints of coffee in there and also some dirty feet, it gives off a different scent to everyone.
It could be chocolate, could be ammonia! Regardless of the smell, the smoke will be thick and heavy. Other flavours range from earthy to bodily functions! Pretty gross if its a food, but great when you're smoking that shit!
Heavily narcotic and the Katsu cut will bring about a sleep-inducing effect.
Growing Kubbie Kush
It well in all mediums but it flowers at a slow rate.
Review of Kubbie Kush
- Overall 5 star
- Appearance 5 star
- Aroma 5 star
- Flavour 5 star
- Effect 5 star
Kubbie Kush is a great looking, smelling, tasting and grinds up very nicely. It is full of resin, so care needs to be taken when rolling your joints. This strain's smoke is smooth and sweet when rolled in paper, but a little harsh from a bowl. A few hits of it and you'll very quickly feel a pleasant buzzing in your head and your body will feel a whole lot more relieved of any pain.