Sister Nivedita University | HigherEducationReview

Cover Story

Science is valued by society because the application of scientific knowledge helps to satisfy many basic human needs and improve living standards. The pursuit of any scientific endeavour is noble, but llife science is particularly special. The Life Science enables an understanding of the environment and the other living species with whom we share the earth; this knowledge guides conservation efforts and literally helps us to save our shared planet. Having a similar motive, Sister Nivedita School of Allied Health Sciences and Translational Research has been developing a community of learners that is based on quality faculty research, effective teaching pedagogy, and creating an enquiring student population. School of Allied Health Science and Translational Research under Sister Nivedita University has been training young minds in its various department such as Microbiology, Biotechnology and Applied Nutrition and Dietetics, Para Medical Courses, Nurshing, Pharmacy and Psychology...
